It's like the Robinsons fell off the face of the blogging-earth! Been too long since I've had the chance to write! Mia is 10 weeks now...for some reason, we lost a week somewhere-I really thought she was only 9 weeks until I counted on the calendar today. Guess I'll be doing that with years sooner than later!
The last time I wrote was on the 2nd...Mia's 2 month birthday. Lots has happened in the last 10 days!
Her new bed

She slept in her crib for the first time that night (the 2nd) and slept all the way through the night. We spent Sat evening the 3rd with Uncle Shawn for his birthday.
Then Mon morn, she had 4 shots and 1 oral vaccine. She cried, but recovered quickly when she got to eat! Mommy didn't cry either! At that appt., she weighed 10 lbs 2 oz (25th %), was 22 inches long (35th %) and her head was measured at 14.5 inches in circumference (10th %). So...she is still a peanut! Although I think she has definitely gained since then!
Two days later (Wed the 7th) we went to Lancaster so that Nate could attend the Christian School Teacher Conference they were having there. Thursday, Mia and I went shopping (my downfall is Carters!!!). We came home early on Friday because Nate had a pretty bad head cold that was driving him crazy!
A Little Smirk and A Makeshift Mobile in Lancaster
On Saturday, I spent the day with Misty, a friend I met at 20 Something. She organized a shower for her sister and did a beautiful job! That night, Rich came over, and we had a great time playing scategories and decorating cakes! That same night, I saw her staring at and following her hands. So much fun!
Sunday morning (the 11th), Miss Mia had her first shower and loved it! The water would hit her right in the face and she didn't mind at all! She just blinked a few times and smiled big.
Sunday afternoon was Aunt Lacey's surprise bridal shower too. It was very nice, and since there was cow print everywhere, Mia had lots to look at!
Today we were going to meet Renee and Reece to go walking, but we didn't because 15 minutes before we were going to leave Mia puked. I'm hoping it was just a bubble and not a tummy virus...but would rather be safe than sorry! So we will try to walk on Thursday instead.
Nate's birthday is coming up, so we'll be having a family get together on Sat the 17th around 7:00. Then Wills' Thanksgiving will be Mon night the 19th, and then we get on the road again to go to OH to see the Hummels and enjoy a Berlin-style Thanksgiving. Mia has some relatives to meet out there too!