Another baby is on the way! That's the news that's been so exciting lately. We definitely planned it, but obviously it must have been OK with the Big Guy too! Due May 12, a few days before our anniversary, a day after Shawn and Kristy's anniversary, and around some big event for just about everyone we tell! Gonna be a busy time of year, but we are so excited.

I had lost 12 pounds by week 7 of the pregnancy and was eating everything in sight, and was very very nauseous so I had a feeling something (like twins) was going on. Well, last week we had an ultrasound at 9.5 weeks and we were having twins. Sadly, one of the little ones didn't make it. So, we are having just one baby, but we are so grateful that this baby is OK. We had another ultrasound yesterday and were again encouraged that the baby's heartbeat, size, and movements are healthy. We were definitely sad when we found out we had lost one of the babies, but we are fully trusting that God knew what he was doing. All of the medical professionals who worked with us during this time were so encouraging, never calling the baby a "fetus" or acting like it wasn't a loss. That little one was conceived just to go be in His presence (and maybe Mom-mom finally gets to meet one of our kids).
Mia is completely clueless about the idea that the world won't revolve only around her precious head!! She has always loved to jump on my tummy and bounce when I'm holding her, so that surely isn't going to stop anytime soon, and I sure don't want her to. I figure she'll catch on when the baby is here. Nate and I have both already struggled with wondering if we could ever love another child as much as we love her, but what makes us love her so much is that she is our child, and so will the next one be.

The anatomy ultrasound is set for Christmas eve. We think it's pretty fun that we'll see all those incredible little baby parts and (hopefully) find out the gender of the baby around Christmas.

So Mia is definitely using her feet as her primary mode of transportation now. She's also talking all the time, busy, busy, busy, and busy!

I had lost 12 pounds by week 7 of the pregnancy and was eating everything in sight, and was very very nauseous so I had a feeling something (like twins) was going on. Well, last week we had an ultrasound at 9.5 weeks and we were having twins. Sadly, one of the little ones didn't make it. So, we are having just one baby, but we are so grateful that this baby is OK. We had another ultrasound yesterday and were again encouraged that the baby's heartbeat, size, and movements are healthy. We were definitely sad when we found out we had lost one of the babies, but we are fully trusting that God knew what he was doing. All of the medical professionals who worked with us during this time were so encouraging, never calling the baby a "fetus" or acting like it wasn't a loss. That little one was conceived just to go be in His presence (and maybe Mom-mom finally gets to meet one of our kids).
Mia is completely clueless about the idea that the world won't revolve only around her precious head!! She has always loved to jump on my tummy and bounce when I'm holding her, so that surely isn't going to stop anytime soon, and I sure don't want her to. I figure she'll catch on when the baby is here. Nate and I have both already struggled with wondering if we could ever love another child as much as we love her, but what makes us love her so much is that she is our child, and so will the next one be.

The anatomy ultrasound is set for Christmas eve. We think it's pretty fun that we'll see all those incredible little baby parts and (hopefully) find out the gender of the baby around Christmas.

So Mia is definitely using her feet as her primary mode of transportation now. She's also talking all the time, busy, busy, busy, and busy!