Can't believe how fast time has always, I am amazed by my inability to keep up blogging, but I guess someday I'll look back on it and be glad that at least I wrote an update here and there. Life is wonderful...

Nate is still loving his job at Stockton and is now starting to clam more-the water is warming up and the weather is starting to get beautiful (right now it is thunderstorming, but this too shall pass!).
My job is 5 workdays from being over for the summer-I'll be done the 30th. I made up all my May treatment sessions in advance in case I went into labor early. I really love my job and the women that I work with. The kids are sweet and I praise God for how he provided this job for me.
Mia is getting so big. She is 19 (almost 20) months old now and is talking up a storm. There;'s not much she isn't trying to say and she is really putting words together well to form full thoughts. So amazing to see her wheels turning. We didn't know she knew any of her colors until yesterday she told us what was green, blue, white, pink, red, black...this morning she told us yellow...The things that come out of her mouth shock us, or keep us rolling in laughter...on that note, she is starting to get a little sassy so we are trying to be consistent with her. Still can't get her to say "thank-you" so we've adopted "gracias" instead, which she attempts every time you ask her. Gives great snuggles in the morning, loves her Daddy so much, and is so excited about Baby Zeke coming. We got the infant carrier down for him and cleaned it up the other day-she looked in it, looked at us, and said "BABY?!?!" (as if to say, where is he???). She and I are in aggreement that he should be here very soon, but I am only 37 weeks pregnant and Mia hung out in the there for 42 weeks. Now, this pragnancy has been nothing like my first, but I am not getting my hopes up about going in early!! Since the last blog about Zeke, I've only been in the hospital once-false alarm (little guy in the wrong position!!!) and no other major issues since then. Had another ultrasound-definitely a boy.
We've been leading a Bible study for the 18-30 age group...been going well. Our goal is for them to feel like a family here and of course to learn truth from God's word...Nate has been teaching on Acts and he is doing such an awesome job. I told him a few weeks ago-the best thing he has ever done for our marriage is spending more time with the Lord. It is so easy for me to respect him as a man of God, a loving father, and a faithful and fun husband. Having one child hasn't put as much strain on our relationship as I anticipated, and I'll leave my anxiety about having two children in the Lord's hands-though every day I have to work to let go. Today Nate was watching Mia so I could rest for a bit after work...I woke up to her screaming because Daddy was taking away the toy she found while he accidentally drifted off to sleep while on baby duty. She was drenched in toilet bowl water and had decided to fill 2 brand new buckets meant for storing toys with water, too. I told Nate that doesn't really calm my anxiety about not being able to watch her all the time while I'm trying to feed the baby. He's definitely the more laid back of the 2 of us, but he does discipline and gives her lots of time.
So we're hanging in there until the little man shows up. I'm just going to say now that the next blog will be after Ezekiel is born-there will be pictures.
Thank you for all your prayers-baby is healthy, I'm feeling pretty good-aside from normal pregnancy discomfort, Mia is excited about meeting Zeke, and Nate is happy in his life and jobs. We are blessed to look at each other every now and again and just say, "I am so happy with my life". We know our lives are blessed, not because of all the conveniences and the comforts, but because Jesus saved us and we would have no hope, purpose, or joy without Him. Blessed be the name of the Lord!
Enjoy the pictures-Trip to FL in January and Easter