Well, from the last time I wrote, much has happened (obvoiusly). Zeke showed up in this world on his due date...timely little fellow! I went into labor at 3 in the morning and went to the hospital right away because my contractions were only 4 minutes apart. When we got there I was told that my Dr. wanted to give me IV fluids to see if it would slow down the labor (ON MY DUE DATE!!)-well, he messed up my contractions, but I was still dilating, so they had to admit me. I asked them to call Rachel, my midwife and she came in ASAP. So, when she got there, she broke my water hoping that the contractions would start getting closer together and more consistent again, but that didn't happen, so pitosin was the only choice. I had made a promise to myself that if I could go naturally again, I would, but if there was a need for any pitosin, that I would get an epidural. So my uncertainty was answered and the epidural team came in. It was a woman (who I believe was a student) and the Dr. who looked like he had literally rolled out of bed and landed in the delivery room. Nate and Kristy were asked to leave because the procedure needed to be sterile, but I am sure that even Nate was more together than him!! So after the woman tried 4 times the Dr. decided to give it a shot and finally got it after 3 tries. I just about passed out and they had to lay me down and give me oxygen, but after it was over I am glad that I had it-because there was no break in the contractions with the pitosin and they just kept raising the dosage over and over! While I was pushing the OB Dr. called my midwife out of the delivery room to yell at her for not being at the office-she really wanted to deliver for me and I am so glad she did-it was the best experience. I pushed for only a half hour and he was born: Ezekiel Raymond Robinson, 8 lbs 5 oz and 21 inches long. Healthy and loud! Mia stayed with our families while Nate and I were in the hospital with Zeke.

While we were there we were informed by my OB Dr. that he didn't feel comfortable performing the circumcision so we had to take Zeke to CHOP to get it done, were all the Dr's who saw him felt that our OB was crazy for not just doing the circ in the hospital! We were itching to get out of the hospital and get home to Mia.

The transition was easier than we expected, Mia is completely in love with her little brother and she is the most nurturing big sister. She includes him in her play alreading and is constantly making sure he has his binkies and blankies (she calls both of those things "meemees"). We are just loving our little family. He's a super easy going baby as long as his belly doesn't hurt, he's not hungry, and he doesn't need a diaper change.

He had his week check up and he was 8 lbs 7 oz and 21 inches long. Sensitive skin, cysts under his nipples, sacral dimple, and yeast in his mouth-but nothing serious and all of it has cleared up now-except for the yeast-but that's on its way out-we hope. He is not breastfeeding-my kids don't latch on right-but I am pumping and will keep on pumping for a little while, at least.

His month appt was Monday (6-22) and he was 10lbs 6 oz and 22 inches long. He looks so much bigger to me. He's smiling and cooing at us and we are just having a blast with him. He is laying on my lap right now, sleeping while I type.

It is amazing that all the anxiety and fears that we had before he was actually here have not even been an issue.

Mia just loves him. He sleeps through everything.
She sleeps through his crying.We haven't had any jealousy (yet).
He sleeps at least 4 hours at a time at night, but has slept 7 hours at a time.
He doesn't breastfeed right, but I'm not a raving lunatic over it this time.
She sleeps through his crying.We haven't had any jealousy (yet).
He sleeps at least 4 hours at a time at night, but has slept 7 hours at a time.
He doesn't breastfeed right, but I'm not a raving lunatic over it this time.
My husband is just so calm and helpful (most of the time!).
God is providing financially as he always does.
I healed in three days and have felt great ever since (one small back inkury that was better in a day thanks to a chiropracter friend).
I didn't have to wait as long with him-as uncomfortable as it was this time.
SO-praise God, He is so faithful! His blessings are so amazing~