So....Verizon heard it from the Robinson family this week. I think we finally convinced them there is a problem in our area. Mom and Dad R, Grandma and Grandpa R and our computers have all been experiencing the same exact problem...we can't get to the Internet, but Verizon (our Internet service provider) is convinced that it is not their problem. It's hard to believe when 3 houses within 3 blocks of each other are having the same problem and they all happen to have the same provider!
Hopefully it will be fixed soon...but for now, I am writing from my sister's computer.
The peanut is doing well. She is still a peanut...only 9 lbs and she is now 8 weeks old (yesterday). But we are happy, healthy, and doing more everyday! Today she played with her activity gym for 30 minutes while I was on the phone with Verizon-it was on 'motion' to trigger the music and she was setting it off all by herself. She has her appt for her shots on the 5th...coming up soon. I'll get some pic's up as soon as our Internet is up and going.
Prayer Request Please: Ginny and Andy are leaving for Africa on Wed. so please pray for travelling mercies, for safety while in Africa, and that many would come to know the Lord as a result of hearing the gospel. So exciting, but there is definitely a spiritual battle that will go on. For those who do not know them, they are good friends who are going with the Jesus film to Timbuktu to share the gospel with the Songhai people who have no written language at all. They are scheduled to return in 2 weeks.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Bible Study...update
Last night was the Bible Study that Nate and I have gone to since Memorial Day 2004. It has always been such an awesome time of fellowship and seeking God through His word. Serious accountability and encouragement is always a big part, too. Last night was filled with conviction for me! We talked about Romans 7:6 "But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code." We ended up talking about how we can walk by the Spirit as Christians, relying on nothing but God...freeing but so hard to do in this country when there is so much temptation to rely on self, money, or posessions. The whole night just left me recognizing how often I function apart from God..and find myself stressed out and frustrated. God is so good to bring me to a place where I am able to see my sin and my need for Him.
So the baby's thrush is almost cannot see it anymore, at least, but I was instructed to keep giving her the medication for 48 hrs after it clears up. She is such a doll! She has been sleeping through the night still and we are actually thinking about moving her into her crib...we'll see!
Other than that, things are well...we are happy, healthy, and smiling. God Bless!
So the baby's thrush is almost cannot see it anymore, at least, but I was instructed to keep giving her the medication for 48 hrs after it clears up. She is such a doll! She has been sleeping through the night still and we are actually thinking about moving her into her crib...we'll see!
Other than that, things are well...we are happy, healthy, and smiling. God Bless!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Living with a different perspective...
This was quite a weekend for stretching my opinion of what a typical day should look like. Ginny and I were talking for the first time in a while...she and Andy are leaving for Africa in less than 2 weeks (for a short trip), but our conversation focused a great deal on living as if tomorrow is not guaranteed. Our conversation just got my brain going about priorities, purpose, and passions. What temporary things are receiving my time over eternal relationships? What purpose is each day given to me for? What passion has God implanted in me to use for His glory? I haven't gotten the answers to all of those questions, but my heart is definitely softer and my ears more open to hearing what I am really here for.
Then Saturday I went to the PINK breast cancer rally at Beacon. I had never been to anything like that before, but I can't imagine a better way to discuss the concerns and issues of breast cancer than within the context of God's Word and His sovereignty over every moment of our lives-however long or in whatever circumstances His all knowing and all loving self has allowed into our lives. There was a woman there who is currently struggling with cancer...seems like such a scary place to be...but when she would speak about her circumstances, as hard as they ARE and as unsure as her future is...she KNOWS that she rests in God's hands, held tightly to Himself, closer that she has ever been and trusting as deeply as she can moment by moment relying on Him for strength. She is sure that she is a jar of clay-filled with God's Spirit-His love, grace, and peace. She said that we, as jars, can be filled with His Spirit so that we bubble over and His amazing love can be seen by others. And sometimes we have cracks and holes (cancer, difficulties, weaknesses, trials) in our jars. Often we see those holes as frustrations, limitations, road bumps, and mistakes, but God is just providing more ways for His grace and mercy to leak out and show His love to others who need it so badly.
I am not guaranteed my next breath. So often I live like I am. Just a lot to think about...a lot to let go of, and a lot to take more seriously. A lot to be more joyful about, a lot to notice more closely, a need to love more deeply-to forget excuses, recognize needs, and do what matters for eternity. I want my life to be full. As long or as short as He ordains...full of days where He is glorified in my life as I seek out His purposes, priorities, and passions.
Then Saturday I went to the PINK breast cancer rally at Beacon. I had never been to anything like that before, but I can't imagine a better way to discuss the concerns and issues of breast cancer than within the context of God's Word and His sovereignty over every moment of our lives-however long or in whatever circumstances His all knowing and all loving self has allowed into our lives. There was a woman there who is currently struggling with cancer...seems like such a scary place to be...but when she would speak about her circumstances, as hard as they ARE and as unsure as her future is...she KNOWS that she rests in God's hands, held tightly to Himself, closer that she has ever been and trusting as deeply as she can moment by moment relying on Him for strength. She is sure that she is a jar of clay-filled with God's Spirit-His love, grace, and peace. She said that we, as jars, can be filled with His Spirit so that we bubble over and His amazing love can be seen by others. And sometimes we have cracks and holes (cancer, difficulties, weaknesses, trials) in our jars. Often we see those holes as frustrations, limitations, road bumps, and mistakes, but God is just providing more ways for His grace and mercy to leak out and show His love to others who need it so badly.
I am not guaranteed my next breath. So often I live like I am. Just a lot to think about...a lot to let go of, and a lot to take more seriously. A lot to be more joyful about, a lot to notice more closely, a need to love more deeply-to forget excuses, recognize needs, and do what matters for eternity. I want my life to be full. As long or as short as He ordains...full of days where He is glorified in my life as I seek out His purposes, priorities, and passions.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Spoke too soon!
So...apparently I should not have said that her thrush was has definitely improved, but it has really been a tough thing to get rid of. I was so looking forward to not have to give her the medication anymore. Poor thing, she chokes, gags, and gasps for air everytime we give it to her (3x's a day) no matter how slowly we give it to her or what position she is in. She definitely doesn't like the stuff, but she is a sweetheart and she takes it crying, just gagging.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Thrush no more!
Not gonna be a long blog, but I wanted to let all those who have been praying for little Miss Murphy (Murphy's Law) here that the thrush is almost gone! Her tongue and lips look much better. We wanted to thank everyone who prayed for her...we love you and appreciate the prayers.
Happy Birthday Luke!! Hope you had a great day!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
6 weeks today!

Little Mia is 6 weeks old today, and as a present to her very appreciative Mommy and Daddy, she slept straight through the night from 10:30-7:00! She also holds her bottle by herself now!! Just kidding...but we did get a picture of what looked like she was holding her bottle...

So, the way she looks at her Daddy...she is just in awe of him...I guess that makes 2 of us! The Robinson girls just adore the man of this house! This picture was taken Friday after Nate got home from work. This is her typical response to him...and he just turns into a puddle of mush over her!

Church today was awesome...just another reminder of how much I need Jesus to get me through to eternity. The sermon was basically on being truly who we claim to be...Christians without the mask of religiosity. One thing Pastor Pete said was that the cure for hypocrisy is repentance and confession. Seems obvious, but he then said that a disciples walk should be extremely familiar with the process of falling to Jesus' feet in repentance and constantly expessing humility in confession to others (whom we sin against) as well. I dunno, may not seem as profound to anyone else, but God knew that's what I needed to hear. So freeing to allow myself to be let go of my pride long enough to fall down at His feet and say I'm sorry. There is so much less to guard need to fear being wrong and no need to defend once I have made a mistake. This used to be so much harder for me than it is now...Thank God for His help.

So, the way she looks at her Daddy...she is just in awe of him...I guess that makes 2 of us! The Robinson girls just adore the man of this house! This picture was taken Friday after Nate got home from work. This is her typical response to him...and he just turns into a puddle of mush over her!

Church today was awesome...just another reminder of how much I need Jesus to get me through to eternity. The sermon was basically on being truly who we claim to be...Christians without the mask of religiosity. One thing Pastor Pete said was that the cure for hypocrisy is repentance and confession. Seems obvious, but he then said that a disciples walk should be extremely familiar with the process of falling to Jesus' feet in repentance and constantly expessing humility in confession to others (whom we sin against) as well. I dunno, may not seem as profound to anyone else, but God knew that's what I needed to hear. So freeing to allow myself to be let go of my pride long enough to fall down at His feet and say I'm sorry. There is so much less to guard need to fear being wrong and no need to defend once I have made a mistake. This used to be so much harder for me than it is now...Thank God for His help.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Blog Worthy Moment
This won't be a long one, but yesterday when Nate got home from work, he came and took Mia like he always does to spend some time with her. We were over my parents house for dinner and Nate was sitting in one of the chairs in the livingroom. I walked out of the room to go talk to my sister in the kitchen and not even 30 seconds later I hear Nate, "Ahh...Jenn!!!" Well, Mia had generously puked right on the top of his head as he was playing with her. It ran down his face and all over his work clothes...nice! Just thought you might enjoy that mental picture!

This is where the fun happened! Notice that he doesn't have a nice shirt and tie on anymore!
Mama and Papa had the two babies playing together.

Uncle Shawn, Shawzie, Shawno...we're still working on it...suggestions are needed!

This is where the fun happened! Notice that he doesn't have a nice shirt and tie on anymore!
Mama and Papa had the two babies playing together.

Uncle Shawn, Shawzie, Shawno...we're still working on it...suggestions are needed!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The Family...lots of love for a little one.
So, when I was growing up I was blessed to have one great grandparent in my life. Grandma A. was 94 when she passed away, but she was around for most of my childhood. She was straight from England, very prim and proper, but always fun to be around. Afternoon tea, piano concerts, Andes mints, and trips to Monroe village left wonderful memories of times with her.
I was also fortunate to have two sets of grandparents when I was born. My Mama and Papa (my mother's parents) are still very active and involved in my life today. Mom-mom and Pop-pop, my Dad's parents, aren't around anymore, though. Pop-pop passed away when I was three. Memories include the comforting smell of sweet cigars, sitting in his lap while he was sitting in his comfy chair, and trying to run by his chair fast enough that he wouldn't catch us...a little game he would play with us. Other than that, I can't remember too much...and even those memories are with the help of my sisters fabulous memory. My Mom-mom, well...I remember a lot. I remember compassion, patience, faithfulness, true joy, contentedness in even the most difficult situations. She was a truly godly woman who trusted Him in every moment...knowing that whatever the circumstance may be, no matter how difficult or painful, that she was there for a reason: His purpose. I really wish she could have told her grandchildren the stories she told us before we went to bed. I really wish my kids could have one Thanksgiving at Mom-mom's. I really wish I could stand on a chair in the kitchen watching her cook again. All selfish wishes...because I know that right now she is sitting at Jesus's feet...where she always wanted to be, and to know these memories is enough to make me fall more in love with Jesus, probably all she ever wanted to do. Her name is Clara, Miriam's middle name-the least I can do to honor her example in this life. I can't wait to tell Mia why we named her what we did.
Mia is blessed to have her grandparents on both sides Nee-nee and Pop-Pop (My parents) and Grams and Grumpy (Nate's parents). She has Mama and Papa (My grandparents on my Mom's side), Grandma and Grandpa Robinson (Nate's Grandparents on his Dad's side), and she had Grandma Wilda and Grandpa Bill (Nate's Grandparents on his Mom's side). She also has her Kissy and Uncle Shawn (we're trying to come up with a more fun name!!) and her Aunt Lacey and Uncle Luke. She is so loved by her family, and so blessed to have all of them in her life. God has been so gracious.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
A typical day: some answers from God and a pinch of drama...
It's amazing how God answers prayers...not always exactly the way I want Him to. Imagine that! God not answer my requests precisely the way I want Him to...lets just say its a good thing He knows what I need more than I do...I prayed just the other day that He would give me a passion for His Word and a desire to be in it daily. I also prayed that He would provide the time for me to spend with Him. Well, He did! So now, Miriam wakes up at 6:00 am instead of her usual 7:00 and has done so for the last 2 nights. So a little less sleep, but a little more time for the Lord...He is faithful. I have been trying for years to get up first thing and be in the Word...unsuccessfuly. Now I have a precious little one, who I thought would make it more difficult to find time for the Word...and she is actually my little alarm clock to get me going...and she usually falls back asleep after she eats at 6, giving me time to read after Daddy goes to work in the morning. Amazing!

So today I was shopping with my sister and she noticed white dots on Mia's tongue...another call to the Dr. This time when he called me back he just said, "Now what's wrong with the baby?" She has thrush and she needs an antifungal. At the moment she is uncomfortable and Daddy is at the drug store picking up her medicine. So another little bit of drama, but she is ok. And so are we, and God knows what she needs too.
Monday, October 8, 2007
A reason to Brag (I mean Blog)

After much encouragement on the part of some particular loved ones, I am now blogging...and at this time in my life, there is so much to blog about! Good way to keep track of memories.
We have been so blessed! God really does know exactly what we need...and he is so gracious to have blessed us beyond our mind's scope of happiness-or should I say joy! On September 2 at 11:48 pm, our little girl joined the Robinson ranks. Miriam Clara Robinson has been unending joy for Nate and I...we are constantly in awe of how God can be so generous to share and trust us with her little life. We know she is a gift. And even more generous of I fall in love with our daughter, I fall more and more in love with my husband...I think He planned that on purpose!
We have been so blessed! God really does know exactly what we need...and he is so gracious to have blessed us beyond our mind's scope of happiness-or should I say joy! On September 2 at 11:48 pm, our little girl joined the Robinson ranks. Miriam Clara Robinson has been unending joy for Nate and I...we are constantly in awe of how God can be so generous to share and trust us with her little life. We know she is a gift. And even more generous of I fall in love with our daughter, I fall more and more in love with my husband...I think He planned that on purpose!

Labor definitely left me with a new definition of pain...5 weeks out now, though, I am thinking that there is nothing I would not do to bring her into the world...she is worth every moment of pain. I'm sure there will be different kinds of pain to come...I'm learning what a mother is willing to do for a child. All these years my Mom has said, "can't tell you how much I love the moon and back"...just the other day I told her that I finally know what she means.
I went into labor in church at 11:15...Mia was 1 1/2 weeks over due (Due date-Aug 23rd) so we had been expecting her "anytime" for a while! I called my sister Kristy right after church because they were up in NH for a visit with friends. They had a 6 hour trip ahead of them and she was supposed to be in the room with me. She made it , though!
Contractions were 3-8 minutes apart from the start...but I didn't want them to go away so we took several walks...they didn't go away and by 7:45 pm there was hardly any break between contractions. I needed to go to the hospital....Was admitted, they broke my water at 10:50 and by midnight Mia was here!
We were in the hospital for 40 hours and were kicked out...but we were excited to get home! Nate had only one day before school started, so we wanted to have one day at home before life had to start again. She wore the outfit Uncle Shawn got her...Carter's baby blue outfit with the butterfly tank top and pants. They were newborn, but so huge on her. For church the next sunday she wore a preemie outfit...she grew out of that pretty quick though!
Kristy, Shawn, Ayden, and Levi had the house cleaned, vacuumed, smelling good, decorated, dinner cooked, and roses for us (Thank you so much-you are amazing!)
That day she got her first picture with her cousins Ayden and Levi, too.

The next 2 weeks Mia was (and still is) a dream...she ate well, slept 6-8 hrs straight at night, was holding her head up, and was very alert. I was the issue...after alot of drama, I had to give up breastfeeding for both of our sanity. I fed her breastmilk for 3 weeks (so she did get some antibodies and immunity from me), but now she is eating just formula. So, she got constipated...never in my life did I think so many people would be praying about poop! But prayer works even for the most miniscule details of our lives, so praise God, she is now doing fine after a month!
We are completely overwhelmed by how happy she is...cooing all the time...huge much fun! She has had her first sad...she cried like I had never heard up to that point! But she survived! We've been to student retreats, camping in PA, long car rides and have found that she is a pretty easy going baby...not too much besides over-tiredness upsets her (and if she doesn't get her food-she lets you know, too!).
We are completely overwhelmed by how happy she is...cooing all the time...huge much fun! She has had her first sad...she cried like I had never heard up to that point! But she survived! We've been to student retreats, camping in PA, long car rides and have found that she is a pretty easy going baby...not too much besides over-tiredness upsets her (and if she doesn't get her food-she lets you know, too!).
So that is our life so far...loving every minute...even the sleepy, bottle-sterilizing, doctor visiting, formula switching, diaper changing ones!

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