It's amazing how God answers prayers...not always exactly the way I want Him to. Imagine that! God not answer my requests precisely the way I want Him to...lets just say its a good thing He knows what I need more than I do...I prayed just the other day that He would give me a passion for His Word and a desire to be in it daily. I also prayed that He would provide the time for me to spend with Him. Well, He did! So now, Miriam wakes up at 6:00 am instead of her usual 7:00 and has done so for the last 2 nights. So a little less sleep, but a little more time for the Lord...He is faithful. I have been trying for years to get up first thing and be in the Word...unsuccessfuly. Now I have a precious little one, who I thought would make it more difficult to find time for the Word...and she is actually my little alarm clock to get me going...and she usually falls back asleep after she eats at 6, giving me time to read after Daddy goes to work in the morning. Amazing!

So today I was shopping with my sister and she noticed white dots on Mia's tongue...another call to the Dr. This time when he called me back he just said, "Now what's wrong with the baby?" She has thrush and she needs an antifungal. At the moment she is uncomfortable and Daddy is at the drug store picking up her medicine. So another little bit of drama, but she is ok. And so are we, and God knows what she needs too.
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