After much encouragement on the part of some particular loved ones, I am now blogging...and at this time in my life, there is so much to blog about! Good way to keep track of memories.
We have been so blessed! God really does know exactly what we need...and he is so gracious to have blessed us beyond our mind's scope of happiness-or should I say joy! On September 2 at 11:48 pm, our little girl joined the Robinson ranks. Miriam Clara Robinson has been unending joy for Nate and I...we are constantly in awe of how God can be so generous to share and trust us with her little life. We know she is a gift. And even more generous of Him...as I fall in love with our daughter, I fall more and more in love with my husband...I think He planned that on purpose!
We have been so blessed! God really does know exactly what we need...and he is so gracious to have blessed us beyond our mind's scope of happiness-or should I say joy! On September 2 at 11:48 pm, our little girl joined the Robinson ranks. Miriam Clara Robinson has been unending joy for Nate and I...we are constantly in awe of how God can be so generous to share and trust us with her little life. We know she is a gift. And even more generous of Him...as I fall in love with our daughter, I fall more and more in love with my husband...I think He planned that on purpose!

Labor definitely left me with a new definition of pain...5 weeks out now, though, I am thinking that there is nothing I would not do to bring her into the world...she is worth every moment of pain. I'm sure there will be different kinds of pain to come...I'm learning what a mother is willing to do for a child. All these years my Mom has said, "can't tell you how much I love you...to the moon and back"...just the other day I told her that I finally know what she means.
I went into labor in church at 11:15...Mia was 1 1/2 weeks over due (Due date-Aug 23rd) so we had been expecting her "anytime" for a while! I called my sister Kristy right after church because they were up in NH for a visit with friends. They had a 6 hour trip ahead of them and she was supposed to be in the room with me. She made it , though!
Contractions were 3-8 minutes apart from the start...but I didn't want them to go away so we took several walks...they didn't go away and by 7:45 pm there was hardly any break between contractions. I needed to go to the hospital....Was admitted, they broke my water at 10:50 and by midnight Mia was here!
We were in the hospital for 40 hours and were kicked out...but we were excited to get home! Nate had only one day before school started, so we wanted to have one day at home before life had to start again. She wore the outfit Uncle Shawn got her...Carter's baby blue outfit with the butterfly tank top and pants. They were newborn, but so huge on her. For church the next sunday she wore a preemie outfit...she grew out of that pretty quick though!
Kristy, Shawn, Ayden, and Levi had the house cleaned, vacuumed, smelling good, decorated, dinner cooked, and roses for us (Thank you so much-you are amazing!)
That day she got her first picture with her cousins Ayden and Levi, too.

The next 2 weeks Mia was (and still is) a dream...she ate well, slept 6-8 hrs straight at night, was holding her head up, and was very alert. I was the issue...after alot of drama, I had to give up breastfeeding for both of our sanity. I fed her breastmilk for 3 weeks (so she did get some antibodies and immunity from me), but now she is eating just formula. So, she got constipated...never in my life did I think so many people would be praying about poop! But prayer works even for the most miniscule details of our lives, so praise God, she is now doing fine after a month!
We are completely overwhelmed by how happy she is...cooing all the time...huge smiles...so much fun! She has had her first immunization...so sad...she cried like I had never heard up to that point! But she survived! We've been to student retreats, camping in PA, long car rides and have found that she is a pretty easy going baby...not too much besides over-tiredness upsets her (and if she doesn't get her food-she lets you know, too!).
We are completely overwhelmed by how happy she is...cooing all the time...huge smiles...so much fun! She has had her first immunization...so sad...she cried like I had never heard up to that point! But she survived! We've been to student retreats, camping in PA, long car rides and have found that she is a pretty easy going baby...not too much besides over-tiredness upsets her (and if she doesn't get her food-she lets you know, too!).
So that is our life so far...loving every minute...even the sleepy, bottle-sterilizing, doctor visiting, formula switching, diaper changing ones!

1 comment:
I knew you could do it! Welcome to the blogging world - I know we will have lots and lots of fun/weird/sad/wonderful things to share this way.
I love you little sis and I'm very proud of you and Nate! Kiss our Mia for us!
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