Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
I have really slacked off on blogging for a while, so it is definitely time to catch up!

I have really slacked off on blogging for a while, so it is definitely time to catch up!
Little Miss Mia (who's not quite as little anymore) is 3 months old now!! It has been soo amazing watching her grow. I'm sure that she is at least 12 lbs 6 oz now, and it seemed to happen overnight, literally. Two days ago she was fitting into 0-3 clothes with room to spare and yesterday morning when I tried to put her clothes on her I was shocked to find that nothing 0-3 fit and I had to break out the 3-6. So fast!

She is trying to make intentional movements now, talks alot!!, and is still just her sweet, easy-going self. She is also playing in the exersaucer now.
Nov 18th was Daddy's 25th birthday and we had a party here at the house.

November 19th we celebrated Thanksgiving with the Wills/Crema side of the family.

On Wednesday, the 21st, we left for Ohio. Made it there around midnight. Thursday was Mia and Mommy's first Thanksgiving in Ohio. Mia got to meet her Aunt Rita, Aunt Wendy, Uncle Rex, and Uncle Brad; Her cousins Gwen, Shelli, Dawn, Jason, and Ryan (and she met Frederick, too); and she met her fellow great-grandkids Claye and Brookston. It was a very nice meal followed by card playing for the men and chatting for the women.

Friday we went to Gwen's beautiful new home to have a shower for Lacey. It was a very nice time as well.
That night we had dinner with Aunt Linda and Uncle George. She also met Charity, Derek, and Ella, and we are really looking forward to meeting baby Taatjes, too.
Saturday morning Nate, Mia, and I drove to Chardon to see Aunt Kassie and Uncle Bruce, Terry, Bruce, and the kids. Mia met Abbey and Parker while she was there. While we were there, Mia got to see her first snow!!

Uncle Bruce also took Nate on an errand...Uncle Bruce works for the funeral home and transports bodies from the hospital or home to the funeral home. Nate said he thought it was pretty interesting! I got to have a wonderful time catching up with Aunt Kassie and talking with Terri and Abbey. You can always count on Chardon for great snow storms!
You know, it is so amazing that both of our families live so close together! And 2 sides of his family too!!
With all that driving...probably around 30 hours in 5 days, she only cried for about 5 minutes. We are so grateful! We are so spoiled! We are expecting the next time (child) to be different!

On Saturday and Sunday, Daddy did a monolouge at church where he was Adam and lit the 1st candle on the advent wreath. We are so pround of Daddy...he did an awesome job. Saturday night after he was done he came and sat next to us...but forgot to turn off his Microphone! Mia decided it would be the best time to let out the loudest truck-driver burp you have ever heard come out of a litttle peanut person! So funny!
Lately, I've been working on Christmas cards like crazy with my sis (WHO IS STAYING IN NJ...PRAISE GOD! THEY ARE GETTING A HOUSE IN EGG HARBOR THAT IS SOOO CUTE! SHAWN AND AYDEN AND LEVI WILL ALL BE JERSEY BOYS!!!!! GOD IS SO GOOD!) Shopping for Christmas, and trying to get it all done before the crazy party rush.

This morning we woke up and there was 3.5 inches of snow on the ground, so Nate called over to Dad R to see who would be shoveling the driveway and walkway at Grandma and Grandpa's. We found out that Grandpa fell late last night and broke his hip. He is currently at the hospital waiting to have surgery, but can't have it for a few days because he is on Cumidin. He has a very positive outlook and the family is ready and willing to help in anyway possible. Please pray for both of them if you get the chance. So there we are, back up to the current events. Love you all.
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