Well, for right now that seems like it is going to be the goal. New Year's resolutions have never worked out for me, so I am trying to set my goals low (or reasonable) enough that I can keep them. Blog once a week?...no, once a month! Exercise daily?...no, exercise when I can, with the goal of health rather than a size 6 again. Cut out all sweets?...no, cut out some of the sweets. Do devotions for 30 minutes once a day?...no, be devoted to God. Have my house clean all the time?...no,have my house clean enough that you can walk through it without getting hurt. My personality is such that I set the most unreasonable expectations for myself...always perfection...or a failed attempt at it. So I guess my resolution would be to not set up expectations for myself and others that end up in disappointment anyway. I end up frustrated so often and miss the fun that could be had. I think Nate has been trying to tell me this for 7 years now. Sorry, Hon. I've been fearful that I would set up expectations for Little Miss Mia that would be unfair...so I am trying now to work on all that before she is old enough to recognize that her Mommy can be a little neurotic.
This past moth was a whirlwind to say the least. The last time I blogged Mia experienced her first snow in Jersey and it was substantial. I have you know that since that time we have had no more snow and have now experienced 3 days or 65 degree weather. Absolutely beautiful, but so strange, so NJ!
Two days after I wrote, Mia switched to all 3-6 mo. clothes. Girls clothes are soooooooo fun!
Grandpa Robinson also had surgery that day. He is home now...1 day before Luke and Lacey's wedding. He was at the Heath Center at Galloway (Where Mom-mom was for a while-a little nostalgic) and was able to leave on Christmas Day to come home and have dinner with the folks. Praise God he is doing well, though itching to get back to normalcy. Can you blame him?
Mia had her first cold that weekend (of the 8th). The 9th we took our family picture down by the meadow where Nate proposed to me. That week Mia didn't fit into size 1 diapers anymore and I switched her to 1-2's. By Christmas she was in 2's. Growing so fast!
The 18th was the start of the Christmas craziness for us. The 18th was Al Syvertsen's surprise B-day party and the 20 Something Christmas Party.
***Please Pray for the Syvertsen Family right now. Eileen who has been battling cancer was taken to the hospital because she had a severe stroke. She's currently unable to respond verbally to the family, but has responded through movement. Please pray for mercy and a miracle whether it be total physical healing or that she would go home to Jesus very soon. The whole family is with her and have asked for prayer. ***
The next night was the couples Christmas dinner at the Olive garden where Nate and I acquired a yellow porcelain duck toilet brush holder which in now on display and in use in our bathroom (Thanks to Jenna and Tony).
The 21st, Shawn, Kristy, Ayden, and Levi bought their first home in Egg Harbor-permanent NJ residents! Saturday night we had a little shindig over at their place to celebrate and thank God for how good his is...good, amazing, marvelous, faithful...awesome!
Sunday night was Mama's birthday. The Crema get together, we decorate the tree together (you just can't change some traditions!), catch up, watch the kids run around...Ayden bit the cake just after Mama blew out the candles...wish I had a picture of that for you! Nice relaxed time to see the family.
On Christmas Eve we went to Beacon to the later service. By that time I was getting cranky and Nate fell asleep (the service was awesome, but he said that it was unfair to have to stay awake when the lights were out). We came home and put the baby to bed.

Christmas morning Mia let us sleep in until 8:30 or so and we opened stockings and Nate found out that he would be getting the electronic drum set he had been wanting. My husband did an excellent job on my stocking this year and he even got me the apron that I had been wanting for so long that I forgot about it. He got me a tea infuser too-very creative!
Then we got ready and went over my parents house to have brunch and then over to Shawn and Kristy's to work on the house for a little bit.
Dinner was at 4:00 at the Robinson's- I guess I should clarify which ones now that there are 4 Robinson residences. Carl and Terri had Grandma and Grandpa, Luke and Lacey, George and Linda, Kathleen, Nate, Mia, and Myself over for a very nice dinner, dessert, and the yearly gift exchange...always fun.

Mia was introduced to her jumper on the 29th. My goodness she loves that thing! That morning she jumped to her heart's content and then fell right asleep in the jumper!
On New Year's Eve, we had plans to go over to Jeff and Sue's and celebrate with them, but by that time we were so tired, we really just needed a quiet night. So, Nate, Mia, and I had a nice simple New Year's celebration at home. Mia went to sleep around 10:00. Nate and I crashed after midnight and a long game of Monopoly-I never win that game!
On the 2nd Mia had her 4 month checkup. Dr. said everything was fine. She is doing very well developmentally. She was 24.5 inches long (50th %), 14.5 lbs. (70th %), and her head was 15.5 inches in circumference (10th %). So...for all who have thought that she still looks like a peanut...its cause she has a small noggin! She had to have her shots again...she's not a fan!!!! The nurses tried to do it as fast as they could...2 shots on each thigh, but Mia let them know what she thought of that. She screamed so loud for so long that the Dr. came back in the room to make sure that everyone was ok. After I was allowed to pick her up she calmed down with some hugs and a binky.

She ate rice for the first time on the 3rd. Not totally in love with it...but now she is doing much better and is definitely getting the hang of it! The 3rd was also Luke and Lacey's rehearsal for the wedding and then the rehearsal dinner at a local Japanese Hibachi grill. It was a wonderful time...absolutely hysterical!
Friday was the wedding at 4:00. It was really a beautiful ceremony and the country club that the reception was in was gorgeous! Nate was completely fine with his brother getting married...no emotions, no reminiscing...until it was time to do the toast and he broke down! It was a really beautiful toast to the future and that God would bless them with much joy and many blessings. A very fun night.
Charity and Ella stayed over the next two nights...so good to see them both. So glad they were able to stay with us. Ella was so sweet to Mia giving her kisses!
Things were much more calm this week. We took it easy. Yesterday Mia really giggled for the first time. Daddy was tickling her! Today she scrunched her nose for the first time at her Neenee (My Mom).
Tonight we are planning to meet up with Jeff and Sue and then go pick up Luke and Lacey from the airport. Tomorrow Nate has a CPR class about an hour away and I am helping with the house until he gets back. Sunday is Papa's birthday party and Sunday night we have Bible study. Back to the norm. Off to the races!
1 comment:
Once a month is a good goal. Thanks for the update. Keep me posted on Eileen. I love Al and Eileen so much, and don't even know them that well. They are a great example of walking by faith, with a calm and gentle spirit. I'm so glad Chuck got to meet Mia finally. Love to you all.
A-Z Olley Crew
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