Crazy story how it has all worked out. God is so amazing...I was walking down the street with Mia, it was the first chance that I had had in quite a while to take a walk around town just with her. I just decided to pick up real estate info to see what houses are going for around here right now. We just started our walk and the house around the corner from us which had been for sale for over a year, was still on sale. It is a house that I have driven past or walked by 100 times and said, "wow I love that house but I know we can't afford that"...It was priced around 320,000 last time I looked for curiosity's sake. I picked up the paper that described the house and all that is in it and it was priced at 205,900!!! We were definitely not thinking of moving yet, and certainly not selling our house! I told Nate that night and we decided just to look through it out of curiosity. So we met the realtor two days later and another couple was looking at it before us. Of course, we loved it (it is another old home-1929, which is our preference) and it has so much charm. 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath, living room with a fireplace, dining room, kitchen, mud room, screened in porch, yankee basement, and completely unfinished second story (which could fit another bathroom and at least 2 more very large bedrooms, plus storage space. It has 2x's the amount of land that we have now and a 2 story garage and shed in the back. It has a white picket fence that surrounds the yard, room for a small garden, flowers, window boxes on the front...truly, our dream home.
So 2 days later I called because we decided to put an offer in on it. The realtor told me that we could set up an appt, but another couple was putting an offer in on it that day and he was sure it would go through.
I was so upset, because by then of course my hopes were in the clouds! But I talked it through with God, and He reassured me that it was ok, because He knows better that I do what is truly best. I fully accepted His reassurance.
That evening, the real estate agent called and told me that the other couple decided against putting an offer in because he had had cancer in the past, and they felt it was best if they stuck with a 1 story home.
So...we went ahead and put the offer in and they accepted it without a counter offer or anything! Our family has all walked through it and was amazed. We got the house for 200,000. Now we are trying to sell ours...not sure what His plan is...as we have toyed with the idea of keeping it as a rental property, but He has provided the down payment whether or not we sell our house or not. HE IS SO INCREDIBLE.
Later on, after we signed contracts and all, I asked the real estate agent when the owners of the house on Wyoming decided to drop the price. It was only a few days before I Mia and I went on our life changing walk. SO PROVIDENTIAL!!! Makes me want to dance in amazement of the LORD, OUR GOD!!!
At the same time as all of this happening...we were asked to lead a Bible Study that had already been in place without leadership. We began leading it just before this whole house thing started. It is currently taking place in the church, but the members of the study expressed that they would love to have it in a home...can I just tell you that the house that we currently live in cannot accommodate 15 people for Bible study and a baby trying to sleep, but the new house can! AHHHH! SO AMAZING!
God is so good! Can't say it enough.

So how about the Little Miss? She is 8 months old now, blowing raspberries, laughing alot, smiling all the time. Her personality is showing more and more everyday. So much fun.

I am working just 2 days a week now. Two 8 hr days...but I get to work no later that 6:30am so I am done by 3ish and still have time to spend with the grandma's and make dinner at night (if I don't fall asleep first).

Nate is working 3 jobs right now. Pilgrim, Stockton, and Clamming. He is such a hard worker. Mia and I are very blessed to have a man in the home who is so willing to do whatever it takes to make life work. Pilgrim will be over in about a month, Stockton will turn to a Mon, Tues, and Wed schedule, and clamming will be up and going shortly as he will be planting some clams within the next few weeks. He is also playing softball for the church, which we both love!
The Bible study is going well-there are usually at least 10 people there. We are excited to see how and where God wants it to go. We are currently studying 1st John. Please pray for us as we lead, we want to be faithful to fill the need that has been presented to us. We know we can only do it by His strength if we want it to be a purposeful, thriving, unified group.
I don't know that I will have the opportunity to write again until after we move. Pictures of the house to come.
Hey Guys! Congratulations!! What an awesome exciting time in our lives! We'll be praying for a smooth transition in the move!! Love and Prayers!
Jen and Nate. I drive by the new house once a week. Wesley has tutoring just around the corner. It's beautiful place! I thought Zack said you got an offer on your house? God bless. He is GOOD!
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