Today was Miriam's 6th month Dr.'s Appt...Unbelievable...how is it possible that she is 6months old already?!?! Actually 6 months and 8 days!
As fast as time goes by, she grows bigger! Mia is now 17lbs 4oz (75th%), 26 3/4in long (80th%), and her head is now 16in around (15th%). She's a big girl!
We'll go back to where I last left off...I went back to work the middle of last month and everything is fine...the last thing I want to do is leave her, still, but she is so fortunate to have 3 grandma's right here to watch her! She has been an angel for them all, too!
We had Mia's dedication on the 24th of Feb at Beacon. It was such a nice time...we felt so supported by our church and our family and friends.
A few days later, Little Lady popped through her first tooth!!! We didn't even know it was coming...and she still doesn't put everything in her mouth...she is very selective!
On leap day, Uncle Shawn, Kissy, Ayden, and Levi all moved into their new home! What a testimony to God's faithfulness that whole story is!
Pop-Pop's 57th birthday was on the day Miss Mia turned 6 mo.
As fast as time goes by, she grows bigger! Mia is now 17lbs 4oz (75th%), 26 3/4in long (80th%), and her head is now 16in around (15th%). She's a big girl!
We'll go back to where I last left off...I went back to work the middle of last month and everything is fine...the last thing I want to do is leave her, still, but she is so fortunate to have 3 grandma's right here to watch her! She has been an angel for them all, too!

We had Mia's dedication on the 24th of Feb at Beacon. It was such a nice time...we felt so supported by our church and our family and friends.
A few days later, Little Lady popped through her first tooth!!! We didn't even know it was coming...and she still doesn't put everything in her mouth...she is very selective!
On leap day, Uncle Shawn, Kissy, Ayden, and Levi all moved into their new home! What a testimony to God's faithfulness that whole story is!
Pop-Pop's 57th birthday was on the day Miss Mia turned 6 mo.

Daddy started his new job at Stockton (yup, God opened that door!) on the 3rd of March. He will be working 4 days a week at TPA, so that he can fulfill his contract and keep our benefits until the end of the school year. Then he will work a few hours after work each day at Stockton, then Fri and Sat are dedicated to Stockton too, just until the end of the school year. Amazing that God worked it all out so perfectly.

Ayden's Birthday (the 7th) and Birthday party (the 8th) came shortly after. Mia was so exhausted by the end of the night, that while Andrea held Mia so I could feed her cereal, by the 6th bite her eyes were rolling and by the 8th she was counting sheep! So precious! She's been doing a lot of growing, so she's been doing a lot of sleeping...doesn't matter where, doesn't matter when, but when she's tired, she's gonna sleep! A huge blessing!!!!

Mia is still refusing to roll over! The only thing she is stubborn about! She's been teasing us with that since before she was 3 months old. Aunt Kassie can attest to that!
Things are great...We have wonderful conversations, lots and lots of giggle time, and we all sing songs while Daddy plays guitar. We love to watch her when she really concentrates on figuring something out.

God is so Good....He's been really challenging me at work. There is an older woman there (60's) who has been cancer free for the last 15 years. I was there with her one morning when she received a phone call saying that her "cancer numbers" were up on her blood test. The Holy Spirit threw the words "Do you want to pray?" out of my mouth. Since we have been getting pretty close and we're always saying things like, "God is always worth trusting" and "He knows what He's doing"...she's had to go through 2 more sets of testing and each time He has prompted me to encourage her through scripture and prayer...Saturday night, she called me at 8:00 at night to tell me she got the results of her PET scan (which she was terrified of, because she is claustrophobic) and she is cancer free! She has been a church goer as of recent, but I am not so sure how her walk is. It is so amazing to see how God used this trial to increase her faith! So exciting to know that I am where I am supposed to be right now. She is probably going to be switching facilities soon, so she won't be around that much longer...but the timing is so cool...that God had me go back to work when He did. He is soooooo GOOD!!!! So awesome!
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