We'll start with the little love bug first. She is getting big! Eating rice, applesauce, bananas, pears, carrots, peaches, prunes, sweet potatoes, and peas (so far). Not so much eating peas as gagging and spewing them out of her mouth, but we'll keep trying. Peaches are her favorite so far after round one of trying each fruit...the most sour of them all...that's interesting! It is taking her a while to get used to the spoon, but she is most definitely catching on now. So much fun. Every moment...such a dream. She is really playing with her toys now...sleeps well, still. She was sick for a while with bronchiolitis, but is much better now. Has a runny nose and is still coughing, but she's doing much better. She is really close to rolling over...I'm guessing within the next few days...not a milestone we want to miss! It is so exciting to see her grow and do new things. She is blowing raspberries all the time, now. Those puckered little lips are so cute! I'm struggling a little bit right now...change for me too.

I'll be starting work 3 days a week from 7am-12pm. Nervous, because I haven't been in the field for a while and I'm feeling rusty on my skills with older adults, and sad that I may miss any time with my little love, at all. I have never been so happy in my whole life than when God blessed us with Mia...every day is full of joy. When I'm frustrated about something, irritated with a situation, or feeling unsure about anything, I can just look at her, and that beautiful smile is there to cheer me, calm me, and make me realize that nothing in this world is worth staying upset about. Never realized God would use her as such a learning tool in my life. I most definitely think I have learned more from her than she has learned from me over the last 5 months. These moments never come back, but I know for certain that I can trust God in this. All the blessings I have, including the people and lessons I hold dearest, came because of the circumstances and purposes that God orchestrated in my life. This is another of those circumstances. I know she will be taken care of and I know she knows how much I love her and delight in her, it really is just hard to even think about being away. When I set my schedule up this past week, Mia had been sleeping until about 5:30 each morning and then going back to sleep until 9. She would eat and then play for an hour and then go back to sleep again for about an hour. So really I would only have missed about 2 hours of time when she would be awake, but it seems, as of late, that her schedule is changing. I have been trying for the last 3 nights to get her back to that schedule, but I am starting to think that it might not happen. So instead of missing just 2 hours, if she keeps on this schedule I will be missing 4 and a half hours of time
while she is awake.
Need to trust...I know a few weeks from now, we'll be adjusted and just fine...
We're praying about whether or not Nate(Daddy/Our Favorite Man in the Whole World) will be getting a job at Stockton...ever since he graduated their Marine Sciences program, he has wanted to drive the boats for the program. That job (a part-time position) has opened up. So he is applying and we are just waiting to see what doors open and close over the next few months.
Need to trust...I know a few weeks from now, we'll be adjusted and just fine...
We're praying about whether or not Nate(Daddy/Our Favorite Man in the Whole World) will be getting a job at Stockton...ever since he graduated their Marine Sciences program, he has wanted to drive the boats for the program. That job (a part-time position) has opened up. So he is applying and we are just waiting to see what doors open and close over the next few months.

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